Gyms and Exercise

Gyms and Exercise

Anyone can look for a gym and there are plenty around the North Shore area.

The Phoenix is a little different and it's specifically for people in recovery. The best part is that's it free.

Here's what they say on their about page:

Since 2006, our free sober active community has inspired more than 22,000 people across America to believe they have the strength to rise from the ashes of addiction through the support of those who are walking that very same path.

There is something about ascending your first summit that makes you feel like anything is possible. A glimmer of hope arises within that makes you believe that you can beat substance use disorder. From CrossFit and climbing, to hiking, running, cycling, yoga and more, we believe fostering human connections in mental, physical and spiritual fitness is a powerful way to rebuild wounded bodies and spirits, and restore hope.

The only membership fee is 48 hours of continuous sobriety… And we’re here for you when you’re ready, because together we are stronger…

They offer:

Hiking & Camping
Road & Mountain Biking
Skiing & Snowboarding
Social Events
Strength Training



